Tuesday, March 25, 2025
37 “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
If God can create a baby without a human father (Jesus), is there anything He cannot do? If God can keep the planets orbiting around the sun, is there anything He cannot do? If God can feed the birds of the field, is there anything He cannot do? Nothing at all. There are times when we do not pray for things because we are embarrassed to ask, thinking it is too much for God. But God is not phased at all when we ask BIG prayers. I believe He likes it when we pray in a way that shows that we believe He has unlimited power. Do you have a prayer list? It can be very helpful to write down things you want to remember in prayer. On that list, be sure to ask God for things that seem impossible but are in agreement with His will: hard-hearted people becoming believers in Jesus, “impossible” marriages to be healed, revival and spiritual awakening, and more.
- Pray that God will send revival to our church and spiritual awakening to the Northshore.
- Pray for the Long-Range Planning Team to set aside what they think God can do and that they will have listening ears to hear what God wants to do. The Long-Range Planning Team meets today at noon.
- Pray that God will receive great glory as He shows His power to all.
- Pray that God will fill up all the Bible-teaching churches on the Northshore on Easter Sunday and that thousands will trust in Jesus as their Savior.