Visitors parking is along the walkway between the Fellowship Hall and the Main Entrance. Our connection team will be waiting to help you.

Life Groups at 9:45 AM
We offer Life Groups for all adults ages 18-65+ upstairs in the Discipleship Building. There is a connection team waiting to help you find the group for you. Our children’s Life Groups are downstairs in the Discipleship building, while Students (youth) meet in the Hub. Our preschool classes are in the hall of our Main Building.

Worship at 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Use the Main Entrance to enter the lobby area of our Main Building. There you will find a greeter at the door and a guest bag at the information desk. If you need childcare, our greeters will lead you to the hall to the age appropriate room for your child.

Worship Center
Make your way to the Worship Center and find a seat. After the service, stick around and meet some of our members and staff and get some answers to any questions you have. We’re so glad you decided to join with us in worship!